Seorang Wanita di Cina Tak memotong Rambutnya selama14 Tahun

Ni Linmei, seorang wanita berusia 55 tahun telah menjaga rambutnya selama 14 tahun dengan tidak memotongnya sedikit pun. Bertempat tinggal di Taiyuan, Provinsi Shanxi, Cina, Wanita ini memamerkan rambutnya seperti yang dikutip dari mail daily. Sehari-harinya, dia dibantu oleh anaknya untuk menyisir rambutnya yang panjang itu. Total panjang rambut Rapunzel dari Cina ini adalah 2.42 meter/ 8 ft.

Hair care regime: The mother-of-two combs her locks once a day

Hair care regime: The mother-of-two combs her locks once a day

The real Rapunzel: The mother-of-two's hair is held by her family to show the length

The real Rapunzel: The mother-of-two's hair is combed with the help of her family

Split ends? The 55-year-old has to stand on a chair to measure its length, while examining her hair's condition
Split ends? The 55-year-old has to stand on a chair to measure its length, while examining her hair's condition

Split ends? The 55-year-old has to stand on a chair to measure its length, while examining her hair's condition

Good hair day then? Ni Linmei in China shows off her 8ft long locks as she combs them on the sofa

Good hair day then? Ni Linmei in China shows off her 8ft long locks as she combs them on the sofa

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