[BB ART] Reporter China Bikin Rekor Push Up Telanjang !! (+pic)

A Chinese photographer was honored, during the World Press Awards, for his photographic series “The Moment”, where he is featured, doing push-ups, naked, in various locations, across China.

Ou Zhihang, a fashion show presenter, on Guangdong TV, and a former fashion photographer, has become the first man, in Chinese history, to be featured on the front page of a popular newspaper. doing push-ups, naked. Zhihang has created an entire series of photographs of him, doing press-ups, in iconic locations, in China.

The eccentric photographer describes himself as a creative artist, and as such, he had to find a creative way to express himself. Unlike the nude photographs of Spencer Tunick, who uses crowds of naked people, for his art, Ou Zhihang only features himself. He declares he is not an exhibitionist, on the contrary, he is rather shy. Using a tripod, he quickly gets undressed, sets the camera timer, poses, and leaves as soon as he can. One of the most remarkable features, of his “The Moment” series, is how few people ever appear in the background.

Asked if he he is worried he might get into trouble, with Chinese authorities, over his work, Ou Zhihang admitted he has some concerns, but is also grateful to live in a time where he doesn’t have to go to jail, for the sake of art.

Seorang fotografer Cina dihormati, selama World Press Awards, untuk seri foto nya "The Moment", dimana ia adalah fitur, melakukan push-up, telanjang, di berbagai lokasi, di seluruh Cina.

Ou Zhihang, presenter fashion show, di Guangdong TV, dan seorang mantan fotografer fashion, telah menjadi orang pertama, dalam sejarah Cina, akan tampil di halaman depan surat kabar populer. melakukan push-up, telanjang. Zhihang telah menciptakan seluruh rangkaian foto-foto dia, melakukan push-up, di lokasi yang ikonik, di Cina.

Fotografer eksentrik menggambarkan dirinya sebagai seorang seniman kreatif, dan oleh karena itu, ia harus menemukan cara kreatif untuk mengekspresikan dirinya. Tidak seperti foto bugil Spencer Tunick, yang menggunakan kerumunan orang telanjang, untuk seni, Ou Zhihang hanya fitur sendiri. Dia menyatakan dia tidak ekshibisionis, sebaliknya, ia agak malu. Menggunakan tripod, dia cepat mendapat pakaian, set timer kamera, pose, dan meninggalkan tempat segera setelah dia foto. Salah satu fitur yang paling luar biasa, dari Momen itu, adalah begitu sedikit orang yang muncul di background foto itu.

Bertanya apakah ia dia khawatir ia bisa mendapat masalah, dengan pemerintah Cina, lebih dari pekerjaannya, Ou Zhihang mengakui ia memiliki beberapa masalah, tetapi juga berterima kasih untuk hidup dalam sebuah masa di mana dia tidak harus pergi ke penjara, untuk demi seni.
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