Kapal Kubilai Khan dari Abad 13 Ditemukan


London – Arkeolog laut berhasil menemukan bangkai kapal salah satu kapal inavasi Kubilai Khan dari abad 13. Kapal ini ditemukan di pesisir Jepang. Seperti apa?

Para ilmuwan berharap bisa mencipta ulang kapal Yuan Dynasty setelah menemukan bagian kapal sepanjang 11 meter di bawah dasar laut Nagasaki.

Legenda Jepang mengklaim, ada ‘dua angin suci’ yang dikenal dengan Kamikaze telah menghancurkan kapal Kubilai Khan.

Profesor arkeologi Yoshifune Ikea dari University of the Ryukyus mengatakan, kapal ini bisa membantu membuat model ulang kapal perang sepanjang 18 meter.

"Temuan ini sangat penting untuk penelitian dan kami akan menggunakannya untuk membuat kapal duplikatnya," katanya seperti dikutip DM.

Sebanyak empat ribu lebih artefak termasuk pecahan keramik, bata pemberat, bola meriam dan jangkar batu ditemukan bersamaan bangkai kapal tersebut.

Berikut videonya. [mor]

Watery grave: Marine archaeologists have found a 36ft-long section of keel from Kublai Kahn's Mongol invasion fleet which sank off the coast of Japan in a typhoon in the 13th century

Watery grave: Marine archaeologists have found a 36ft-long section of keel from Kublai Khan's Mongol invasion fleet which sank off the coast of Japan in a typhoon in the 13th century

Historic: Kublai Khan launched to attempts to invade Japan from Korea, but both fleets were ravaged by typhoons known as 'The Kamikaze' - or 'divine wind'

Historic: Kublai Khan launched to attempts to invade Japan from Korea, but both fleets were ravaged by typhoons known as 'The Kamikaze' - or 'divine wind'

Artefacts: Cannonballs and stone anchors are among thousands of items found around the shipwreck off the coast near Nagasaki

Artefacts: Cannonballs and stone anchors are among thousands of items found around the shipwreck off the coast near Nagasaki

Doomed: Thousands of Mongol, Korean and Chinese troops drowned or were slaughtered by Japanese samurai after the failed invasion attempts in 1274 and 1281

Doomed: Thousands of Mongol, Korean and Chinese troops drowned or were slaughtered by Japanese samurai after the failed invasion attempts in 1274 and 1281

Empire: Scientists used ultrasound to find the shipwreck three feet below the sea bed

Empire: Scientists used ultrasound to find the shipwreck three feet below the sea bed, where it has remained remarkably well preserved

Thwarted: Kublai Khan established the Yuan Dynasty in 1271 after removing opposition in the south of China and the Mongol empire spread from Europe to the China coast at its height

Thwarted: Kublai Khan established the Yuan Dynasty in 1271 after removing opposition in the south of China and the Mongol empire, in blue, spread from Europe to the China coast at its height

Invasion force: Both fleets contained tens of thousands of well-armed troops who had initial success against Japanese samurai, but the typhoons devastated them

Invasion force: Both fleets contained tens of thousands of well-armed troops who had initial success against Japanese samurai, but the typhoons devastated them

Armada: 900 ships sailed to Japan in the first invasion, and two forces of 4,400 ships took part in the second failed invasion

Armada: 900 ships sailed to Japan in the first invasion, and two forces of 4,400 ships took part in the second failed invasion

Vision: Kublai Khan, grandson of Genghis Kahn, united China under his rule and also led invasions into Vietnam before his death at the impressive age of 78

Vision: Kublai Khan, grandson of Genghis Khan, united China under his rule and also led invasions into Vietnam before his death at the impressive age of 78

Invasion route: Both fleets set off from Korea with thousands of troops on board for the 110-mile journey between Masan and the Japan coast

Invasion route: Both fleets set off from Korea with thousands of troops on board for the 110-mile journey between Masan and the Japan coast

sumber :http://teknologi.inilah.com/read/detail/1789859/kapal-kubilai-khan-dari-abad-13-ditemukan